Last March, my nephews Michael and Matthew were born 3 months early. Their weight totaled just over 3 pounds. They fought for their lives for weeks in the NICU before little Michael passed away on April 1st. Now, over a year later, little Matty is crawling and starting to pull up on furniture. He is just now in the past couple of months able to go out in crowds due to his weakened immune system. With every encouraging word from his doctors and therapists we have hope that he will keep catching up with his peers.
My sister-in-law is very involved with The March of Dimes. She is raising money to walk this year. I am unable to go home for the walk in May, but would like to do my part here in Greenville.
Please donate and help prevent prematurity. Every dollar helps!

PS: Debate of the week: walk 6 miles in my cast or just show up and give them my donations....? Hmmm?