Did I mention I got a new job? I have been moping around the past two months with "nothing to do." That all changes this week.
I will be working weekends (Fri - Sun) in San Clemente, CA. I get every 7th Sat-Sun off. And I get paid more to work on the weekend. I also have the opportunity to pick up shifts during the week. This means we will be staying in SoCal for an undefined amount of time. I will have 3-4 days off during the week to play and explore and every other month or so, I will get 6 days off in a row. I am excited because The Best Man and I will still be able to explore, but will be forced to stay put and save up money to one day buy a home.
One of the things I am most excited about is getting a bigger apartment with our own furniture. I haven't had my own furniture since leaving Greenville, SC in 2010. I am excited to get a few nice pieces and a few fixer-uppers. Something else to be excited about is the weather. It can get cold at night (think 30's), but really it's not that bad while the sun is up. I can't wait to experience summer here this year!
A special shout out to The Crazy Cat Lady for giving me a stellar reference! You are greatly appreciated!
Review Day
2 days ago