Sunday, October 26, 2008


Here's my gimic:

The Dietary Student told me to "Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth!"

We finished.

And I totally PR'd...8 minutes off my time. . .

PlaceBibAgeNameCity/StateChip TimeGun TimePace
244123525KRISTEN SHERIFFGREENVILLE SC02:06:5602:08:3300:09:49


WanderingGirl said...

And, pray tell, what does "PR" mean to a non-runner? Seriously, though, I didn't know anything would chase you that far. Good thing your 8 minutes faster or it may have caught and eaten you.

FYI, word verification is "springr" which is what you're missing from your step today due to all that running! And it just failed, so how I have "deflog". True story.

Unknown said...

PR = Personal Record...which I guess would be a noun? but is often used as a verb such as "I PR'd in this race" Or I "I don't know if I'll be able to PR since the course is so hilly." Does that help???

Anonymous said...

Wow - color me impressed! Great job!