No, I don't mean that tv show. I'm talking about my life here.
Let's start with Wed:
1) The Old Navy summer apparel I tried on didn't fit. No, I don't mean the clothes were too small either. How often do you try on summer clothes and find that they are too big. Major score here!
2) "I met God today": I got to meet my baby nephew in the NICU for the first time. Amazing. What a miracle that is wrapped up in a little 3 lb 3 oz feisty lil boy!
I was spoiled rotten, and rightly so it was my birthday and the second to last day at the clinic and the second to last day as a STUDENT ever!
1) My first patient left the clinic after saying goodbye, only to return 30 minutes later with cinnamon buns for everyone! What a sugar high!
2) From other patients I got candles and homemade pillows.
3) My Yankee CI, who is also a wino, got me an amazing picnic hamper. It's not a basket my friends, it's a hamper. It's huge and red and I love it! Inside were a bottle of sparkling wine and four flutes/glasses. Needless to say, I'm having a picnic tonight.
4) The owners of the clinic ordered Chinese food.
5) My Yankee CI brought a homemade icecream cake. I can not begin to describe the deliciousness of this mesh of icecream standwhiches, chocolate, peanut butter, peanuts, and whip cream.
6) Panera salad for dinner from Mom.
1) Last day as a student, EVER.
2) Victory dance with my last patient, a 14 yr old girl.
3) The Best Man came to town for Birthday Celebration 2008.
4) Target.
The agenda for today, besides trying not to get sick and not smelling like I've worked for 6 hours at the Y:
1) Play in the sun.
2) Picnic.
3) Sine's
Let the summer begin!