P.S. I had Mexican last night with the Pharmacist and his Pharmacist Wife and her brother. It was delicious! I loved getting out of the house and interacting with other people...even if I did clam up a bit! Mmm chips and cheeese dip! :)
On to today. Policies and Procedures. All of this is necessary, but entirely too dull to enlighten you with. Except for:
"Do you know what R.A.C.E is?"
Rescue. Alarm. Contain. Extinguish.
"Good, what about P.A.S.S?"
Pull. Aim. Squeeze. Sweep
Then she went over what we do during a fire alarm/drill. As her words are still hanging in a little speech bubble attached to her lips the fire alarm starts going off "Code Zero Basement." Pretty crazy timing. Who has ever heard of a fire code being anything but red??? Weird.
Here's a picture of me in my new royal blue scrubs:

I LOVE this color...not to mention the comfort and lack of having to decide what to wear in the morning. How amazing do they make my eyes look?! I am trying to embrace the crazy curls being loud and wild and free like you people seem to dig...it's hard in this humidity. And I thought VA was bad! Any product suggestions?