P.S. I had Mexican last night with the Pharmacist and his Pharmacist Wife and her brother. It was delicious! I loved getting out of the house and interacting with other people...even if I did clam up a bit! Mmm chips and cheeese dip! :)
On to today. Policies and Procedures. All of this is necessary, but entirely too dull to enlighten you with. Except for:
"Do you know what R.A.C.E is?"
Rescue. Alarm. Contain. Extinguish.
"Good, what about P.A.S.S?"
Pull. Aim. Squeeze. Sweep
Then she went over what we do during a fire alarm/drill. As her words are still hanging in a little speech bubble attached to her lips the fire alarm starts going off "Code Zero Basement." Pretty crazy timing. Who has ever heard of a fire code being anything but red??? Weird.
Here's a picture of me in my new royal blue scrubs:

I LOVE this color...not to mention the comfort and lack of having to decide what to wear in the morning. How amazing do they make my eyes look?! I am trying to embrace the crazy curls being loud and wild and free like you people seem to dig...it's hard in this humidity. And I thought VA was bad! Any product suggestions?
Aaaahhh, my first job had Smurf blue scrubs. I loved them, too. And yes, any computer system developed after 1981 will put Meditech to shame. It's not just FarmVegas still stuck using it, though. Did I tell you I helped develop an e-chart system? It was fantabulous.
Oh, and the hair... Big and Sexy Root Pump Plus. Don't worry, it's not so much big as sexy, and is ANTI-HUMIDITY!!!! SC sucks that way.
Oooh, so when does your new system start? Before or after you tell them who's really in charge? Thanks for the hair tips! I'll have to try it out!
You are soo ridiculously good looking! (Zoolander quote that you will understand once we watch it!)
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