I was called this week and told that "MY apartment" would not be available because the current tenant is unsure if and when s/he is moving out. The nerve! So instead of my secluded, back-in-the-woods spot, I'll be directly across from the clubhouse. This of course has its pluses- I will now be in close proximity to the club house, pool, fitness center, laundry, and a picnic area. The only plus about the other location was that it had a wooded view. Now, my rent is 10 bucks cheaper a month because it overlooks the parking lot. That's a savings of $120/year, people! Do you know how many shoes/books/clothes from Target I can buy with that?! (I'm debating if getting my first big girl job means I should shop at more than just Target and Old Navy? Oh, and there will be the addition of Pottery Barn...where I plan on buying a ridiculous amount of furniture! Hey, I can't eat, sleep, drink, play, lounge, etc. solely on my futon for years people! But, I digress...) Seriously!
Officially one more weekend left to spend in Richmond. This coming weekend. Martha will be in town for a bridal shower and bachelorette, so I'll get to see her. I'm also planning on trying to con people to go out (Sine's anyone?) this weekend to celebrate/say farewell.
A rendezvous with The Best Man is planned for the weekend of the 4th. We're going to his old roommate's parents for a big cookout/firework shooting off/beer drinking shin dig! Should be good times. Then heading up to MD to see The Newly Weds in their trendy row house for the first time! They live 3 blocks for all the hip bars. Expect great things to happen! Plus, it's Brett's birthday weekend! Then it's back down to VA to spend time with The Best Man's family.
I move the 11th, but won't officially relocate until a week or so later. Kinda depends on when/if SC ever gets my transcripts and let's me take the test! If The Best Man's move goes well, then he may be able to help me move down to SC. That means, no renting a moving van (The Best Man drives a mini van in case you missed that some where along the way), sleeping on my futon instead of the floor all weekend, help with boxes, and someone to lounge by the pool and drink wine with.
In other news, I'm trying to save money for the big move. No sushi or Mexican this week in order to be able to go out one last time this weekend....I'm going to miss "Sushi Heaven"!! Le sigh!
Review Day
2 days ago
Now, that's what you save your $$ for! A new sushi restuarant hunt! Maybe you'll have time for dinner one night in between?
TK, There are actually several (at least 3, hey, thats more than Farmvegas!) sushi places in Downtown Greenville. The one I went to was okay, not spectacular, and overly pricey. This hunt of course began right after my interview!
Are you guys going to be up here anytime soon??
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